Now You Can Enable 4K Images Uploads on Twitter Mobile App
This means, on your iPhone or Android, you can select a photo of your choice and share it. To enable this feature, go to Setting Menu in the Twitter app and go to the “Data Usage” section and enable the two options “high-quality images“(for viewing 4K images) and “high-quality image uploads” (For tweeting). The user can select whether they want to enable the higher-resolution images for both Wifi and mobile data, or just Wifi, or disable it entirely. Twitter is a great app for sharing high-resolution images. Previously, the 4K images service was rolled out on the web app, which allows the photographers to share the images in high resolution. And now, the same feature is available on mobile apps also to view and upload high-quality photos. The company posted a tweet from its official support account:
To start uploading and viewing images in 4K, update your high-quality image preferences in “Data usage” settings. — Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) April 21, 2021 With the 4K image viewing and uploading feature testing, the company was testing another feature that improves how images are cropped on the app. According to me, the improved image cropping feature isn’t available for everyone, and there are no words on when the testing will be completed. Last month, after announcing the improved cropping feature Twitter’s design Chief Dantley Davis said, With these two new features, Twitter has become the best platform for sharing photos, drawings, or anything. Twitter has increased its capabilities for sharing thoughts. The new feature view and upload 4K images is rolled out for everyone, if you haven’t got it, update the app to the latest version on your mobile device.