Top 10 Best Android Apps for Computer Geeks

Below are the apps that you surely gonna like, So have a look on all these apps below.

#1 Computer and IT Quiz

Want to check your computer knowledge then use up this popular app, start to answer out the quiz questions within this app and get updated with some great facts about the computer. The quiz is completely related to the knowledge of computer and internet so if you are a comuter geek then you could install this app.

#2 Amazing Computer Geek Facts

Specially designed app for the computer geeks which provides the users with great facts regarding the computer knowledge. All this knowledge is passed on to the users in a amazing UI which therefore makes it an intresting way to learn more and more regarding the computer.

#3 Computer Software Dictionary

As the name of the app suggests, it have a list of all those computer related terms which the users should know about and this app also provides up the slight information for each of the term. Just install this up and know about every term related to the computer which will definately help you follow up the computer more and more.

#4 Computer Networking Concepts

There are many chapter inside this app which all tend to provide up the user all the information reagrding the networking concepts of computer. By using up the infromation from this app one can easily learn up more advance things about the computer and therefore get up more rich of the knowledge about it.

#5 Computer Repair

People those who want to self repair their computer systems will love this app because this app provides up a lots of infomation regarding the fixtures of most of the basic computer issues, network issues, or even the hardware issues.

#6 Computer Repair Handbook

Want to be a person with hole sort of knowledge such that you could easily fix about the basic computer faults and issues? If yes then just instll up this app on your Android device and you would learn to solve out every possible problem of the computer faults inside this app.

#7 Computer GK

Use this app to get the latest notes, information and the questions reagrding the computer knowledge. This app helps to keep up the user updated about every possible aspect of computer so for that purpose I feel you should definately have this app.

#8 H2k The Hacker Street

Want to know about some of the basic hacks, tricks or the tutorials then you could use up this app from where all these regarding articles can be found out. Tutorials for many other softwares like mysql, keyloggers etc is also available inside this app. For increasing up your knowledge you can prefer this app for sure.

#9 Computer Shortcuts

A single app from where you can get to know about all of the computer shortcuts, program shortcuts like photoshop, notepad, pint, MS-word etc. You can also get to know about the ommand shortcuts and even the browser shortcuts! Is that all or you need to get some more than it? Just try this app and you won’t leave it anyways.

#10 IPV6 And More

This is also one of the most popular computer related learning app on the Google Play store, and this app provides up the whole knowledge to the users regarding the useage of IPV6. Many other such related content is also revised in this app so that the users could get perfect for their comuter knowledge. These were the best android apps which you could use up if you wish to have some great knowledge about the computer and internet while using up the Android device only. Through using up these apps the computer geek would gain some potential knowledge in a very unique way that is through the apps. If you are also willing connect with the online world of computer knowledge then try to install any of the above stated apps!

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