Grace Black
Naruto features some of the most fascinating villains in anime to date, with its organization known as the Akatsuki. The Akatsuki consists of ten major members and various side members who all work to collect the Jinchuriki and execute a plan to wreck havoc on the world. Each member of the Akatsuki are very different from one another, and they are all independently interesting and unique to follow, as their stories unravel on screen. Have you ever wondered which member of the Akatsuki you’d be most similar to? Take the personality quiz below to find out now! (Image Sources: Studio Pierrot) If you enjoyed that quiz, go ahead and check out our other content! We have more Naruto quizzes that will let you find out which main Naruto character you are, or let you test your trivia on the franchise. Or perhaps you’d be interested in other anime quiz content? if so, we have plenty to choose from, such as which Haikyuu!! character you are, which demon slayer character you are, as well as which Jujutsu Kaisen sorcerer or Jujutsu Kaisen villain you’re most similar to!

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Naruto Quiz  Which Akatsuki Member Are You  - 6